Important thing must know about your computer windows firewall

Windows firewall are one of very important thing you need to know when you are gaining information about your computer security and it is very important to know what it does and what thing you should remember when it comes to Windows firewall because it is a very important matter to know.

A windows firewall will help your computer preventing some of unauthorized users going to access your computer by using a network or an internet. so that you need to always on and it may help you blocks all outside sources connecting into your computer.

there are three types selection when you are going to use a windows firewall.

ON Recommended

It said that this is a very important, choosing this will help your computer deny all unauthorized sources via network and internet.

Dont allow exceptions

You are going to select this one when you are going to connect like in a public network.

OFF Not Recommended

This will allow viruses and some intruders enter your computer and it said that this is a selection that are not recommended.


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