How to use Magic wand and Quick Selection tool in Adobe Photoshop

The 4th tool in Adobe Photoshop tool list are the Quick Selection tool and the magic wand tool. they are one of the good tools both similar purpose when use but they are not same when using it. you may able to use one of them when you are clicking the "W" shortcut key or hit the 4h tools in the tool bar.

Quick Selection tool

When you are editing a pictures and you dont need to use the background and it need to dispatch Quick Selection tool will help you. when using it, you will notice a circle appear that will allow to select a part of the image and it will erase it when hitting the DELETE key in the keyboard. hit also the  "{" for enlarge and "}" for decrease the size of the circle and ctrl+z for one by one undo and ctrl+alt+Z for multiple undo.

Magic Wand

A wand eraser that are able to highlight and delete the selected part.


While using the wand tool hit the CTRL for decrease the space and able to unhighlight some part of the image you dont want to delete when hitting the delete button and Shift key for increase the size and span of the part of the image part you want to delete.


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