How to make movie using Movie maker and how to save the movie


By saving the movie or video, there are two types of saving it. but before that to save the Movie you can Click the FILE in the upper left of the Movie maker dashboard.

Save 1.
You can save the movie you created by clicking the File and select the "Save Project" or simple hit the shortcut Key Ctrl+S. by saving in this mode you can ABLE to edit the movie when there are some errors you made in the video or you can edit it anytime when you want to add some more interesting movie files, some good effects and some Video Transition or want to add image in the collections. in short saving the video you created in "Save Projects" or Ctrl+S will ABLE to EDIT

When saving the movie you must sure that DON'T ERASE anything in the Collection Box or else some of the image in the slide will be missing and it will make your movie corrupt. when deleting some of the files especially images you must also edit and erase in the slide in the Video slide in the upper of Audio/Music slide.

Save 2.
By selecting the "Save Movie File" or Ctrl+P in shorcut you will save the movie permanent and CANT BE EDITED so that before saving the movie or video you creating make sure that it is 100% perfect and sure that no corrupt or missing files. Save Movie File like the image below will make your movie save as a .wmv files that will able and allow you convert the files into mp3, mpeg, mp4 and some other type of files.

Saving the movie will ask you the computer where to save the file but mostly in will default save into the video Folder located at my doc and video and you can change also where destination you want to save it.


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