Octa Core, The MyPhone Infinity Lite and its Features

High end Phone? well take a look for this phone came from MyPhone, the Infinity Lite. available in the nearest Phone Kiosks, Outlets and Nationwide.

Infinity Lite featured its Kitkat Operating System, and featured also its very nice Processor wherein the phone has Octacore, 

It was said the true phone with an Octa Core Processor? what may get having an octacore processor? well, according to the research having this great features you may multi task what is running in your phone, just like for example, it is not easily lag or i could say no hang time using the said phone.

It has also a Double Tap Unlock Screen which made for an easy lock the phone features, you may also read another information in my previous article and read the featured MyPhone Rio Series and visiting MyPhone Kiosks will surely give better information.